Friday, February 24, 2012

Some include only one type of fabric while ...


Violations or failure or immune system disorders can be caused by severe malnutrition especially protein deficiency, by drugs and infections, overreactive immune response or born condition. Therefore, failure or breach of the immune system can come in four categories:

This is a fault or immune system disorders, autoimmune disorders, occurs when the body for some reason their attacks healthy cells as if they were foreign invaders. This is the result of overzealous immune system - a normal reaction to run wild. Your immune system produces T-cells and antibodies, and directs its powerful protective properties against your own tissues. This is a false T-cells and antibodies contribute to many diseases. This can lead to a single body, as in thyroiditis, thyroid disease, and many other organs. Some include only one type of tissue, while others are systemic in nature, ie it passes through the entire system of the body, such as blood vessels. One of the major autoimmune diseases that can attack virtually any organ in the whole body of scleroderma. Other examples:

several factors are likely involved in autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases are on the rise and a parallel increase in chemicals that produce cell damaging free radicals. Free radicals can suppress the immune system. These conditions are strong to suffer really very sick and may have fatal consequences for many patients. The second group of faults or violation of the immune system called the immune deficiency disorders. Immunodeficiency disorders include a wide range of health problems that interfere with ability >> << immune system to work effectively. Primary immunodeficiencies are conditions you were born with the disorder, although symptoms may not occur until later in life. For example, some are born without a thymus, this means that the immune system can not produce mature T cells. Others are born with cells that are unable to produce immunglobulins, the total of which is deficit of IgA. IgA deficiency means that IgA antibodies are not done or not done enough. This means people with this failure or compromised immune systems are usually allergy or cold to get more. Secondary immunodeficiencies are those that are acquired through infection or production of drugs using drugs. The best known are HIV (human immunodeficiency virus infection and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). This disease slowly destroys the immune system by killing T cells assistants. Without this, T cells, helper, your defense system can not protect the body from even normally harmless organisms . They can also result from malnutrition or other health problems. Sometimes it is not a disease and its treatment >> << that suppresses the immune response. underlying disease can be controlled, but the patient may be subjected to non-infection caused by treatment. For example, chemotherapy for cancer treatment, as it attacks cancer cells and healthy, including those in the bone marrow. This reduces the ability of the immune system to fight infections

Whatever the reason, whether primary or secondary immunodeficiency net result of a lifelong vulnerability to disease >>. << If you have a serious, chronic infection, which does not respond to normal treatment, it may be a sign of immunodeficiency >> << disorders. Generally people of malfunction or disorders of the immune system are sick faster, stronger, and more often than usual and have a very difficult time recovering from the infection. If you are diagnosed with the disease or are undergoing treatment that may lead to a weakened immune system, you must protect your health 'I. Be especially vigilant about maintaining good nutrition, getting enough rest, avoiding dangerous drugs and toxins. third failure or compromised immune systems allergic disorders. When the immune system reacts in response to the influence of antigens usually harmless such as pollen, as a result of allergies

. substance that causes these attacks are called allergens. So the next time you sneeze, do not blame pollen, dust and

. mold ... it's actually your immune system produces too much IgE, antibody that stimulates the production of mast cells >>. << histamine stored in mast cells are involved in helping the body absorb allergens and expansion of small blood vessels, excess of which causes allergic symptoms of watery eyes, swelling and congestion. Allergic Reactions classified as immediately or over time. This is called for 4:00 instantaneous reaction >> << while those that occur at 4:00 classified as delayed. immediate response includes IgE antibodies and delayed

suffering from T-cells.

Delayed reactions include skin reactions to poison ivy and other poisonous plants, cosmetics,

metals and certain foods. allergic reaction slowed down non-chemical part >> << immune system as well as direct response. It takes time for the signs and symptoms appear

usually appear within 4 hours, as it is related to migration >> << certain immune system cells to the confrontation with the allergen.

takes time for a lasix furosemide side effects sufficient number of these immune system cells to migrate in the

opposition to immediate allergy, allergens react with antibodies. These forms of allergen antibodies which eventually lead to the release >> << histamine and other chemicals as a result of an allergic reaction. What is this overreaction is related to genetics and lifestyle. You can not change the genetic predisposition to allergies >> , << but you can change your lifestyle and environment to help reduce the impact has been suggested by Dr. Harold Nelson, MD, that the early impact of antibiotics in children, depriving the immune system develops normally .. may be caused by hypersensitivity to pollen, dust mites. form and animal dander This respiratory failure include allergic reactions to light bronchial narrowing, leading to a reduction in airflow that hampers breathing and causes wheezing and shortness of breadth of allergic rhinitis: .. There are 2 type: perennial or persistent allergic rhinitis, which occurs year round, and is usually caused by dust mites, dander animals, cockroach droppings and mold that may be aggravated by smoke and spirits, seasonal or intermittent allergic rhinitis is also known as hay fever They occur in spring and early summer. when pollen of trees, grasses, mold spores and flowers in abundance. Symptoms may include bleeding from the nose, headache due to pressure inside the nose, red, pebbly lining in the lower eyelids, runny nose, itchy nose and eyes, stuffy frequent sneezing. Drug allergy: The most common symptoms are rash, rash, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, dizziness and swelling of the body dust mites. These tiny organisms are actually allergens They thrive on dead skin cells and proteins in mites and their excrement., that causes an allergic reaction can cause asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema allergy to latex .. latex protein causes allergic reactions in some people allergic to latex often begins with a rash on his hands after using rubber gloves, but also can .. experience respiratory failure, eczema, itchy and swollen eyes, runny nose and sneezing as a result of latex some patients may develop asthma symptoms such as chest tightness, wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath Mold allergy. It can cause respiratory symptoms and hay fever-type problem is due to air disputes mold, which are much more numerous than pollen allergy ... Burning insect insect venom is a complex mixture of proteins and peptides, histamine and serotonin is in the peptides responsible for painful skin reaction after being bitten by the immune system recognizes these proteins as foreign invaders and mounts immune Reaction against these rash, swelling and subsequent anaphlylaxis Food allergies ... allergic reactions to food can manifest as nausea, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea and without gastro-intestinal diseases such as rashes, eczema, edema , allergic rhinitis, dyspnea, edema edema and in some cases even life threatening anaphylactic shock. Other symptoms may include hot flashes, shortness of breath and hives. he was the last time a group of fault or compromised immune systems are cancer. Cancer occurs when cells grow out of control. cells of the immune system, others may grow uncontrollably

as a result of cancer. General of cancer of the immune system includes lymphona (eg, Hodgkin's disease) that affect

lymphoid tissues / organs and leukemia which involves abnormal overgrowth of leukocytes or white blood cells. >> << uncontrolled growth of cells that produce antibodies of the plasma can lead to multiple myeloma. Although failure or immune system disorders can be prevented, You can help the immune system stay strong by being informed and working closely with the doctor |. |.

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