Causes of menopausal and senile osteoporosis? Bones are made up of complex, constantly changing, living tissue. They can grow and heal, and also prone to changes in diet, body chemistry, and implementation levels. These changes can lead to osteoporosis. In early life, more bone than the set is removed from the body. People tend to reach peak bone mass around 30 years, after which more bone is lost than replaced.
Too much bone loss leading to osteoporosis. Type I osteoporosis (postmenopausal osteoporosis) BЂ "usually develops after menopause, when estrogen levels fall rapidly, leading to bone loss BЂ" usually trabekulyarnoy >> << (spongy) bone in the cortical bone hard . Type II osteoporosis (senile osteoporosis) BЂ "usually occurs after 70 years and includes thinning and trabekulyarnoy (spongy) and cortical (hard) bone. In addition, some medications and medical conditions can cause damage to bone and leads to the so-called BЂњsecondary osteoporosisBЂ ". Patients treated by any of these conditions should discuss the risk of osteoporosis with their doctors:It is important to differentiate between primary and secondary causes of osteoporosis, because treatment differs. To determine the cause, a thorough history, examination and appropriate diagnostic tests should be conducted (see
). Summer BЂ age "over 65 years. Paul BЂ "Women are four times more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. Heredity BЂ "Family history of osteoporosis and fractures on the side motherBЂ ™ s. Personal history BЂ "any type of fracture after lasix to pass drug test 45 years. Race BЂ "Caucasian and Asian women are at greater risk. Build BЂ "small bones of women weighing less than 127 pounds. Menstrual history BЂ "Normal menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis and early menopause may increase this risk. Lifestyle BЂ "calcium and / or vitamin D deficiency, little or no exercise (especially weight-bearing exercise), alcohol abuse, smoking, too many if / soda. Lack of testosterone (hypgonadism) BЂ "in men. .
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